How To Be A Quick Learner

Our brain is an expert at making logical connections when it encounters an issue; now this may work if you have previously encountered and tackled a similar situation. When you hit a roadblock with a new issue, a good starting point is to ask ?Why? five times and see how many causes you can come up with. This increases the odds of a better solution because you can see more connections

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How To Do Brainstorming For Problem Solving

Chances are that you would have come across the?concept?of?using?Brainstorming?at one time or another in your corporate career.?Brainstorming?is the most used and abused word in the corporate corridors. If done in a fit and proper manner, the benefits of using brainstorming for problem solving are immense. What is Brainstorming? Brainstorming is a conference technique by which…

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The Principles Of Personal Success

Knowing what the ingredients of a successful life are is important in terms of our social, professional and personal lives. Taking these principles to heart will also ensure that we reach obtain the maximum benefit from all relationships that we forge on these three levels. Here are some of the principles that drive successful people:…

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How To Do A Good Performance Review

The ingredients of a bad performance review are haste, lack of focus, a non-empathic attitude and a mechanical approach to the process. A good performance review obviously calls for a diametrically opposite approach. Here are some tips for managers whose duties include conducting performance reviews of their team members. Be Prepared: The intention behind a…

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Getting Back To Work Painlessly After Long Leave

Returning to work after a long leave is not always an uplifting experience. The mind and metabolism are likely to have adapted to a more leisurely pace, and one may have taken active steps to dissociate from work pressures during the period of leave. This is especially true if the period of leave has been…

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How To Manage Stress And Regain Well-being

Without doubt, wellbeing is the ultimate objective of human existence. Paradoxically, we often wind up surrendering well-being in order to earn money, and then spend a major part of the earnings in attempts to regain it. These efforts are invariably fruitless – so why do we do it? More often than not, the only real…

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How To Tackle Financial Stress

Financial stress can adversely affect a persons? psychological state. This negative psychological state has a tendency to percolate down to the affected person?s workplace and ? in fact ? into all social interactions. Surveys have shown that financial stress is among the root causes of decreased performance at work and a steady decline in physical…

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Tips To Create Time And Harness Energy

Life for corporate employees has become so hectic these days that if they blink, they may miss something potentially important. It is almost impossible to be fully present in the moment with someone constantly on the phone, the report on the desk and the unanswered email in the inbox. Today, employees? attention is divided among…

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Tips On How to Handle Workplace Conflicts In Style

There is nobody who has not had problems at work, and these problems invariably involve one?s supervisor, co-workers or even boss. Workplace conflicts are common ? but the skills to handle them adroitly are not. Many employees react to workplace conflicts the way they would in any social conflict situation ? from the gut. This…

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Asked to Relocate? What To Ask Your Employer

Have you been asked by your employer to relocate? If so, you are in a situation which an increasing number of employees are finding themselves in today. There can be any number of reasons why you may have been asked to relocate. For instance, with many companies finding it difficult to manage financially in areas…

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How To Tackle Difficult People at Work

Troublemakers at the office come in various shades, and they have different styles and approaches to making their presence felt. To be fair, most of them may not even know how disruptive they can be ? then again, some do. However, the sincere and focused always has a bad time with them. Maybe you cannot…

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